The disruptive forces shaping the future of the insurance industry as a result of the post-pandemic environment is escalating change in technology and increasing competition whilst evolving customer expectations and greater regulatory demands.

Insurance organisations are working hard to balance the maintenance of services to customers while also embracing the changes which required to survive and thrive in the long term.

Although the implementation of new technology will drive much of this, insurance leaders need to consider how they can empower and motivate their people, re-skill a large number of staff and attract a new breed of talent to create the capacity for innovation initiatives.

By taking positive and strategic action now, insurers can foster an environment where innovation can thrive, employees are supported to grow and meet new challenges, and new talent can bring fresh skills and agility.

In our recent report we explore the steps insurers can take on their journey to the workforce of the future including the fresh approaches to resourcing, recruitment and re-skilling for future roles.

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