In 2017, we identified the pressing need to gain a better understanding of energy consumption across our high consuming buildings and engaged energy infrastructure organisation, SMS plc, to apply their metering and data expertise to deliver valuable energy management insights.

With a diverse property portfolio in the UK comprising offices, data centres, and production units, we sought an efficient method to analyse energy consumption data so we could identify opportunities to improve energy control and reduce wastage.

To achieve this, we partnered with SMS who establish new energy systems for organisations through data-driven consultancy, asset finance, and technical energy expertise. They collaborated with us to record, analyse, and share data at a granular level to gain valuable insights to support efficient energy management decision-making.

Understanding energy performance and trends

SMS developed user-friendly energy consumption dashboards for each Capita site, providing clear and easily interpretable information on various trends, such as year-on-year performance, seasonality analysis, out of hours analysis, and review of daily operations. 

Following the creation of the dashboards, SMS established regular remote energy review calls, attended by our facility managers and subcontractor representatives for each building. During these collaborative sessions, all parties examined the data insights and explored opportunities to reduce consumption. Resulting actions for our facilities managers and sub-contractors included:

  • optimising building management system time schedules for the heating, ventilation and air conditioning plant to align with the latest building occupancy schedule.
  • adjusting heating and cooling set-points to minimise consumption whilst sustaining comfort levels.
  • recommendations for hardware replacement such as lighting/plant upgrades, additional controls for HVAC systems, and isolation switches for machinery.
  • providing building occupants with essential guidance to identify and prevent energy waste.

Following these discussions, our facilities management teams now provide feedback on on-site operational changes or complete actions that could affect energy consumption. This insight prompts SMS to conduct further reviews of the latest consumption data and to feed back to the team on the impact of these changes, ensuring the interventions made are having the intended impact. This process of identifying, acting, and reviewing is ongoing, with each call yielding insights and opportunities for energy optimisation.

A measurable impact on Capita’s energy consumption

The successful implementation of the energy dashboards and the review process has resulted in several significant benefits, including:

  • identification and enhanced understanding of the major energy consumptions within high consuming properties.
  • increased engagement from facilities management teams and building occupants to look out for opportunities to reduce energy consumption on a day-to-day basis.
  • a reduction of 8,873,940 kWh per annum across the properties included in the scheme compared to the 2016 baseline. This equates to just over 2,000 tCO2e per year.
  • an annual energy consumption reduction for one property of 2,783,598 kWh, equivalent to just over a 25% reduction since the commencement of the energy review calls.

Our collaboration with SMS continues as we work together to derive valuable insights from energy data to help eliminate energy waste.

By leveraging data-driven strategies, continuous analysis, and implementing innovative solutions, Capita is advancing on the path to net zero.


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