Automated end-to-end management to relieve the burden from your teams

The Housing Benefit Award Accuracy Initiative (HBAAI) is a Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) funded scheme requiring local authorities to undertake activities – such as housing benefit Full Case Reviews and Matching Service referrals -  to identify unreported changes and to ensure the accuracy of housing benefit awards.

To relieve the volume of manual administration associated with manually reviewing and validating this information, we provide a fully integrated digital solution for HBAAI processing which uses automation to drive efficiency.

Our solution delivers end-to-end management of the HBAAI file, with correspondence being automatically issued which directs the claimant to our dedicated online review form where they can check their claim information and report any changes, or confirm that there has been no change.

Whether the claimant confirms all details are correct, or reports changes, that information is then automatically updated to the back office, in real time, without the need for manual intervention. Any appropriate adjustment of benefit is actioned, as well as the review being updated with the outcome of the reassessment, all without officer input or involvement.

At a glance

The expectations for local authorities and how our solution helps


Expectations for local authorities


How our solution helps

To review and validate whether the current information associated with the claim remains correct by seeking evidence from the claimant and or their representative, either face to face, over the phone, digitally or by post.

At the appropriate point of review, correspondence is automatically generated and sent to the claimant with a link to an intuitive online form available 24/7 and with no cost of postage.

To use all available data including digital (where appropriate), with the aim of identifying any changes of circumstances and recalculating a claimant’s housing benefit award accordingly.

Comprises automatic completion of intervention records and relevant recalculation of the housing benefit award. The automated process is fully integrated with our revenues and benefits software, with functionality kept in-line with new releases.

To make use of local authority resources to achieve the above.

Our end-to-end automated solution frees up processing, saving considerable time and costs for the Authority. ICT resources and costs are also saved due to the solution requiring no 3rd party software or complex integration points.

Hear from our customers

Stephen Lyon

Chorley and South Ribble Council


We have recently implemented the HBAAI module and we are already seeing positive results, with over 70% of returned forms resulting in an automated decision.

In addition, the user friendly online form ensures a good customer experience which contributes to an overall more efficient review process.

Agile revenues and collections services

Did you know we can use front office support to relieve the pressures and increase the productivity of your back office?

We’ve been providing revenues and collections support services and solutions to local authorities for over 30 years. We can help to unlock value, reduce pressure on shrinking budgets and maximise revenue collection, so more money can be invested back into local services.

Father & daughter playing
Case studies

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