Public services procurement frameworks
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- Public Services Procurement Frameworks
Saving time and money with a compliant procurement route to access solutions for your organisation
Procurement frameworks provide an easier route to understand and evaluate how suppliers can help customers achieve their outcomes through access to standardised forms, contracts and templates. We work with PBOs and Framework Authorities such as Crown Commercial Service (CCS), Scottish Government, National Procurement Service Wales, ESPO, YPO, KCS Procurement Services, NHS Shared Business Services and directly with clients such as the DWP, NHS, National Rail, Highways England and a number of local government organisations.
We can also quickly deliver discrete services from some of our existing Government partnerships and Joint Ventures in a similar way to a framework.
Framework information
Capita’s solutions can be accessed through almost 100 different public sector buying frameworks. Below is a summary of information on some of the most widely used agreements. If you are interested in a particular framework which you can’t see here, please get in touch with cps-frameworks@capita.com.
Consulting & transformation
This is a Crown Commercial Service (CCS) framework for all public sector customers to access advisory and consultancy services. Services are provided by employed consultants on a time and materials basis, according to a framework pricing schedule.
Start date: 24/08/2021 End date: 23/08/2025
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This framework covers all forms of consulting activities from business services through to health & social care and major infrastructure projects. Capita has been awarded a place on the following lots:
Lot 3 - Complex & Transformation
Lot 5 - HR
Lot 6 - Procurement & Supply Chain
Lot 8 - Infrastructure including transport
Lot 9 - Environmental Sustainability & Socio-Economic Development
How to buy
A digital filtering tool is available to sift suppliers by specialism and identify those capable of meeting your needs. Further competition is the default route to market for this framework.
Visit RM6187 on the Crown Commercial Service website for full details.
How Capita can help
Our consulting team are deep industry and process experts who don’t just advise - they build, implement and operate real and effective solutions.

Procurement transformation
We are helping our clients create systems and structures that quickly put procurement at the heart of the organisation.

Strategic design and development services
Supporting Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council to give people a better place to live
This framework set up and managed by ESPO can be used by all public sector bodies for a broad range of consultancy requirements.
Start date: 01/09/2021 End date: 31/08/2025
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The framework consists of 10 lots. Capita has been awarded a place on the following lots:
Lot 1: Business Services
Lot 2e: Procurement
Lot 2f: Revenue and Benefits
Lot 8a: Asset Management and Delivery
Lot 8d: Health and Safety
Lot 8g: Regeneration and Regional Development
How to buy
Purchasing through this framework can be done through direct award or further competition. Visit Consultancy Services 664 on the ESPO website for more information.
How Capita can help
Our clients are asking for a different kind of consulting. Their customers and communities are changing rapidly – so they need to move quickly not incrementally.

Revenues and benefits
Our expert services and innovative technology transform revenues and benefits processes for local authorities, helping to deliver a better citizen experience.

Planning, building control and regulatory services
Our fully-managed services are helping local authorities to meet their regulatory obligations – keeping places and communities compliant, safe and in growth.

Finance and accounting
We're providing businesses with software solutions that support all key functions of finance and accounting
Digital, data & technology services
TePAS 2 is a Crown Commercial Services framework which provides public sector buyers with a flexible way to buy technology products and associated services – including end user devices, technology infrastructure and software needs.
Start date: 31/10/2023 End date: 09/04/2026
More information
Capita is a supplier in the following Lots:
- Lot 3 Software
- Lot 5 Health and Social Care Technology
- Lot 6 Education Technology
- Lot 8 Technology Catalogue
How to buy
You can purchase through this framework by direct award or further competition.
Visit RM6098 on the Crown Commercial Service Website for full details.
How Capita can help
We are one of the largest digital and IT organisations in the country and through our expertise and scale are able to provide public sector buyers with a flexible way to buy technology products and associated services.

Enabling virtual wards to deliver care at scale
ICSs need support to create new processes and ways of working to optimally support virtual ward staff to deliver high quality, safe technology-enabled patient care.

Smart software solutions transform how organisations operate
We’re making it easier for organisations to handle payments, information and resources with our broad range of solutions.

Workplace IT
Creating workplace solutions to support and empower the workforce of the future
This Crown Commercial Service framework facilitates the purchase of commoditised, cloud-based services via the Digital Marketplace.
Start date: 09/11/2022 End date: 08/11/2024
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G Cloud provides access to the latest technology and innovation through a regularly refreshed agreement which contains four lots:
Lot 1: Cloud Hosting
Lot 2: Cloud Software
Lot 3: Cloud Support
Lot 4: Cloud Support – Further Competition
How to buy
Follow the six-step buying process on the Digital Marketplace.
Visit RM1557.13 on the Crown Commercial Service website for full details.
How Capita can help
Game changer in business agility: compare and commission industry-proven digital and technology solutions to expand your capabilities and achieve greater efficiency and quality for citizens.

Connecting officers with vital information to support victims
Together with Greater Manchester Police, we’ve developed a proof of concept app that aims to cut down administration time, and give officers vital information at the scene so they can support victims better.

Boosting productivity in the public sector through greater business agility
As the UK struggles with a crippling cost of living crisis and skills shortages across various sectors, it is more vital than ever to use agility to boost productivity across the public sector.

G-Cloud 13 Service Guide
Download our guide for full details of Capita's services and solutions available on G-Cloud 13.
This is a Crown Commercial Service (CCS) framework open to all public sector organisation to access network solutions, communication services, connectivity to cloud-based data and applications, and emerging technologies such as Internet of Things (IoT) and Smart Cities.
Start date: 18/07/2023 End date: 17/07/2025
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This agreement enables customers to buy managed services as well as individual solutions to modernise, organise and rationalise connectivity and network services within the modern hybrid workspace.
Capita is a supplier in the following lots:
- Lot 1a Inter Site Connectivity (WAN) / Data Access Services
- Lot 2a Intra Site Connectivity (LAN) / Local Connectivity Services
- Lot 3a IoT and Smart Cities
- Lot 4c Contact Centre Solutions
How to buy
You can purchase through this framework by direct award or further competition.
Visit RM6116 on the Crown Commercial Service website for full details
How Capita can help
We are one of the largest IT organisations in the country, dedicated to supporting thousands of customers across the UK.

Software-defined WAN services
Increasing performance, security and scalability of cloud native applications

£8m five-year contract with Cheshire East Council
Capita’s technology to connect vital local services in Cheshire for over 500 sites

Delivering a smart, connected Scotland
With the Scottish Wide Area Network (SWAN), we’re delivering one of the most ambitious and significant single public sector ICT initiatives ever carried out in Scotland.
This is a Crown Commercial Service framework constructed of 5 lots designed around the IT service management lifecycle.
Start date: 16/06/2021 End date: 15/06/2025
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Capita has been awarded a place on the following lots within this framework
Lot 1 Technology Strategy and Service Design
Lot 2 Transition and Transformation
Lot 3a Operational Services - End User Services
Lot 3b Operational Services - Operational Management
Lot 3c Operational Services - Technical Management
Lot 3d Operational Services - Application and Data Management
Lot 4 Major Services Transformation Programmes
How to buy
Purchasing through this framework is by further competition or by direct award for Lots 1, 2 and 3 via the government eMarketplace
Visit RM6100 on the Crown Commercial Service website for full details.
How Capita can help
At Capita, we’re using the latest technology to make it easier for you to interact with customers, while saving money, time and improving your business outcomes.

Digital transformation
We’re helping governments, citizens and communities solve our most complex challenges through digital and technology-enabled business transformation.

Capita's partnership with Norfolk County Council
Driving a county-wide tech transformation
This is a KCS Procurement Services framework providing outsourced day to day management and strategic transformation of business processes for technology.
Start date: 01/01/2022 End date: 31/12/2025
More information
The broad scope of this managed services framework includes:
- Artificial Intelligence
- Audio Visual Solutions Management
- Automated Financial Processing Services
- Cloud Storage Management
- CMM Systems and Marketing Services
- Communication Systems Facilities
- Human Resources and Payroll
- ICT Systems Management
- IP Networking Services
- IT Server Management
- Mobile Technologies
- Print Management
- Purchase to Pay Automation
- Reprographic and Mail Services
- Server Hosting Support Services
- Software
- Telecommunications Supplies and Services
How to buy
Purchasing through this framework can be by direct award or further competition.
Visit Y20023 on the Kent Procurement Services website for full details.
How Capita can help
We ensure secure frictionless access to applications and resources, to implementing seamless collaboration ecosystems and reimagine how your workspaces will operate.

Technology solutions
We are one of the largest IT organisations in the country, dedicated to supporting thousands of customers across the UK

Industry-specific services
Find industry solutions relevant to your organisation, from innovative digital services to software and consulting solutions.
This is a Yorkshire Purchasing Organisation (YPO) framework providing schools and public sector establishments with a pre-approved complete one-stop-shop to support all their current and future technology needs.
Start date: 01/03/2020 End date: 28/02/2024
More information
Capita has been successfully awarded as single supplier to this framework. This provides a compliant, straightforward route into a full range of managed IT services via direct award. There are no minimum or maximum length for call offs and contracting authorities can agree this based on their requirements.
Examples of services Capita can provide through this framework:
- Telecommunications
- Secure Cloud services
- Data storage and security, including penetration testing
- Application support, management and development
- Audio visual equipment and services
- Management information systems support services
- Networking and infrastructure
- Server infrastructure design and implementation
- Cyber security and firewall management
- Enterprise services
- Back up and disaster recovery solutions including backup and restore
- System and support services
- Desktop and device management
- Hosted services
- Content management
- Website services
- Software deployment, configuration and management
- Commercial off the shelf software and associated services such as licensing, support and maintenance
How to buy
Customers are to direct award via this framework with price on application, at the point of a customer’s specification. Visit ICT Managed Service 982 on the YPO website for full details.
How Capita can help
We can deliver all the tools, services, technology, security protection and networks you need for today's workplace and the workplace of tomorrow.

Capita Workplace IT
Creating workplace solutions to support and empower the workforce of the future

Education and learning
Our specialist support services are used by over 3,000 schools and academies, delivering better outcomes for all children

Supporting teachers in disadvantaged schools
Our research report examined why there’s a divide between the access that disadvantaged students have to great teachers compared to those at more advantaged schools.
This NHS England framework provides NHS organisation, including Integrated Care Systems, NHS Trusts, Primary Care Networks and GP Practices access to essential support services ranging from digital infrastructure and advanced analytics, to system transformation and tools to support self-management and the personalisation of care. The scope of the framework is limited to non-clinical services and those that do not involve the direct provision of patient care.
More information
Capita can provide services under this framework agreement as follows:
- Shared or Integrated Care Records
o Strategy Development
o Implementation Support
- Informatics, analytics and digital tools for Population Health, Business and Clinical Intelligence
o Research Tools
o Business and Clinical Intelligence
o Population Health Intelligence
- Tools and applications that support direct patient care
o Integrated Care Co-Ordination and Management
o Decision Support Tools
- Surveys
- Transformation and Change Support
o Development of Service Change
o Transformation Project and Programme Management
o Organisational Redesign, Governance, Payment and Contract Reform
o Workforce and Leadership Support
- Patient empowerment and activation
o Support for implementing shared decision making and self-care programmes
o Digital and Remote Technology
- System Optimisation
o Patient Pathway Optimisation and Care Model Design
o Patient Flow Solutions
• Workforce Development
How to buy
For more information contact NHS England via the framework website
How Capita can help
We’re committed to delivering high quality healthcare technology and administrative systems for under-pressure professionals, improving patient outcomes.

Unlocking the challenges for healthcare
How next-generation technology is helping to relieve the burden on healthcare

Healthcare solutions
Explore how our technology and expert services inform decision-making and ensure the highest quality care.

Healthcare business operations
Improve safe, high quality care with our administrative, data quality and coding services, managing your workforce efficiently with our intuitive HR administration and resource planning tools.
This is a Crown Commercial Service framework developed in partnership with NHS Digital (NHS D). It enables NHS D and other public health and social care bodies to buy digital outcomes and supporting services.
Start date: 18/01/2021 End date: 17/01/2025
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This is a single lot framework which provides services in the following five areas:
- DevOps - for ongoing live services
- Digital definition services – creating and progressing the project through discovery and/or alpha phases
- Build and transition services – building the service using beta and live phases
- End-to-end development services – designing and developing the services from discovery to live phases
- Data management – for performing data collection, data processing and analysis and management of data services
How to buy
Buying through this framework is by further competition only.
Visit RM6221 on the Crown Commercial Service website for full details.
How Capita can help
Delivering high quality healthcare technology and solutions to improve patient outcomes.

Enhancing patient contacts
We help healthcare providers respond quickly to increasing demand with clinically-directed technology enabling connected, virtual services

Combining data to make predictions about future use
How will good data underpin the move to create healthier communities?

Supporting teachers in disadvantaged schools
Our research report examined why there’s a divide between the access that disadvantaged students have to great teachers compared to those at more advantaged schools.
This is a Crown Commercial Service (CCS) framework for all public sector customers to access suppliers who can design, build and provide bespoke digital services using an agile approach.
Start date: 28/06/2022 End date: 27/06/2025
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Capita has been awarded a place on all three lots within this framework
Lot 1: Digital Outcomes - Access teams of 1 or more digital specialists who will provide outcome-based services under clearly defined pieces of work.
Lot 2: User Research Studios
Lot 3: User Research Participants
How to buy
Purchasing through this agreement is by further competition only via the digital marketplace.
Visit RM1043.8 on the Crown Commercial Service website for full details.
How Capita can help
We're improving millions of lives by working in partnership with government to design and deliver transformed digital services.

Digital transformation in government
Transforming public services through smart thinking, digitally-enabled solutions and service excellence.

Boosting public sector productivity
As the UK struggles with a cost of living crisis and skills shortages it is more vital than ever to use agility to boost productivity across the public sector.

Improving citizen experience
We’re helping councils give people fast, easy access to employment, housing, funding, community spaces and social services.
This Crown Commercial Service framework enables public sector organisations to access the full range of digital, data and technology specialist individual roles and end-to end digital transformation programmes.
Start date: 21/03/2021 End date: 07/03/2024
More information
Capita has been awarded a place on lot 2 of this framework – Digital Specialists.
How to buy
Both direct award and further competition award mechanisms can be used with Lot 2.
Visit RM6263 on the Crown Commercial Service website for full details.
How Capita can help
We’re helping governments, citizens and communities solve our most complex challenges through digital and technology-enabled business transformation.

A digital government for a digital society
How will digital services develop to enable public services to be more efficient and meet the needs of all citizens?
This is a Crown Commercial Service dynamic purchasing system (DPS) framework offering a range of cyber security services to help improve organisational cyber resilience and security posture.
Start date: 14/02/2020 End date: 14/02/2025
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The services available through this DPS are categorised as follows:
Lot 1: NCSC assured services
Lot 2: Consultancy and advice
Lot 3: Penetration testing
Lot 4: Incident response
Lot 5: Managed security services
How to buy
You must run a mini competition to select a supplier. The supplier shortlist is created using the dynamic purchasing system (DPS) marketplace.
Visit RM3764.3 on the Crown Commercial Service website for full details.
How Capita can help
Our scalable cyber security solutions keep your technology and data resilient and compliant, enabling you to focus on the day job.

Robust, effective security solutions
Our scalable cyber security solutions keep your technology and data resilient and compliant, enabling you to focus on the day job

Time to simplify your cyber security
It may only be 2022, but in this decade the world is already proving to be a very different place to the decade before

Preparing for a cyber incident
Cyber security is actually a business enabler, allowing you to store business and customer data safely and to control access to your network
This is a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) which supports customers to scope the problem or project, understand how to solve problems using AI and to maximise value and increase efficiency of processes.
Start date: 03/09/2020 End date: 04/11/2024
More information
This DPS is organised into four distinct categories:
- Scope of Engagement
- Type of AI
- Medical AI Technology
- Sector
How to buy
You must run a mini competition to select a supplier. The supplier shortlist is created using four filter areas within the DPS.
Visit RM6200 on the Crown Commercial Service website for full details.
How Capita can help
We’re helping our customers achieve better service experience through our range of automation and artificial intelligence technologies.

AI and RPA to support customers
We're helping clients achieve better customer experience with automation technologies, reducing cost to serve and improving operational performance.

AI for the first line of defence
When calls increase, customer satisfaction doesn’t have to suffer: conversational AI acts as the first line of urgent enquiry during disruptive events.

A connected justice system
We’re working with the police and criminal justice agencies, developing innovative technology that can better support victims of domestic violence.
This is a Crown Commercial Service dynamic purchasing system framework catering for all automation needs in one agreement, enabling customers to plan, design and implement automation into their systems and processes.
Start date: 16/03/2020 End date: 15/11/2024
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The scope of this agreement is divided into the following areas:
- Design (Strategy and Business Transformation)
- Build (Problem Solving with Tech Solutions)
- Live (Resource and Training)
- License (products and Services licenses)
How to buy
You must run a mini competition to select a supplier. The supplier shortlist is created using the dynamic purchasing system (DPS) marketplace.
Visit RM6173 on the Crown Commercial Service website for full details.
How Capita can help
Capita supports customers and reduces costs through AI and robotics. We work at the forefront of these technologies, making interactions smoother, quicker, simpler and more natural for users. We’ve seen up to 60% in reduction in cost where automation is implemented.

Digital citizenship
A roundtable in partnership with Wired brining together various experts discussing data, identity and the digital citizen

Debunking the automation myth
Are people ready to embrace these technologies as a permanent feature in their teams, or do they still see automation as a threat to jobs?

Taking the robot out of the human
How robotic process automation can help your organisation
This is a Crown Commercial Service framework for design, implementation, change management and business transformation skills and services for the deployment of new cloud-based back-office system or upgrading a legacy IT system.
Start date: 23/03/2021 End date: 22/03/2025
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RM6193 has one single lot from which all services can be bought. The areas in scope include:
- enterprise architecture
- business case support
- configuration and testing
- system integration
- implementation
- data cleansing and migration
- change management
- training
- on-boarding
- application management support
How to buy
This framework allows for further competition only. You may wish to run an Expression of Interest before further competition to select suppliers.
Visit RM6193 on the Crown Commercial Service website for full details.
How Capita can help
Capita’s smart digital and software solutions transform how organisations operate, drive down costs and provide better customer experiences and outcomes.

Management information systems
From local authorities to housing associations and the fire service, we’re supporting some of the UK’s most complex organisations with records management, resourcing, incident management more

From invoice payments to process management, find out how our software can save you time and money.
This is a Crown Commercial Service framework for software-as-a-service solutions for back office applications either in the cloud, on premise or hybrid. Implementation, design and change management services from Capita are available through Crown Commercial Services Software Design and Implementation Services (RM6193) framework.
Start date: 06/04/2021 End date: 05/04/2025
More information
RM6194 has one single lot from which all services can be bought. The areas in scope include:
- Core ERP
- CRM/ relationship management
- Workflow technologies
- Content services / service portal
- Finance and accounting
- Human capital management
- Reporting/Customer
- Procurement
- Support agreements for all of the above
How to buy
This framework allows for direct award and further competition. You can also use and Expression of Interest to engage suppliers before a further competition.
Visit RM6194 on the Crown Commercial Service website for full details.
How Capita can help
Capita is Improving essential public services through digital systems and performance excellence.

Finance and payment software
Making it easier for organisations to handle customer payments, accounting, mortgage provision, fraud prevention and much more

Housing software
We provide a seamless end to end solution to improve efficiency and collaboration across all areas of housing management.
This is a Crown Commercial Service (CCS) framework open to all public sector organisation to access software focused solutions specific to the needs of industry verticals e.g. emergency services, education, local government and social care.
Start date: 07/03/2023 End date: 06/09/2025
More information
This agreement provides solutions such as software licences, associated hardware, app-related consultancy services, software support and maintenance. Capita is a supplier for each of the 5 lots.
- Lot 1 Business Applications
- Lot 2 Education, Community Health and Social Care Solutions
- Lot 3 Housing, Environmental and Planning Solutions
- Lot 4 Citizen Services
- Lot 5 Blue light solutions
How to buy
Purchasing through this agreement is either by further competition or using the digital catalogue depending on the complexity of the requirement.
Visit RM6259 on the Crown Commercial Service website for full details.
How Capita can help
We are one of the largest IT organisations in the country, dedicated to supporting thousands of citizens across the UK. Our smart digital and software solutions transform how organisations operate, drive down costs and provide better citizen experiences and outcomes.

App development supports officers and victims of domestic violence
Working in partnership with Greater Manchester Police we’ve developed a dynamic, digital solution gives officers vital information to support victims.

Better experiences in healthcare
Our expertise in building resilient, scalable and sustainable services helps NHS organisations go further, faster and for longer.

Improve outcomes for children and young people with the whole picture
Our flexible, intuitive software is already helping over 100 UK local authorities to manage their education services more efficiently.
Business process services
This is a Crown Commercial Service framework providing a compliant pathway for all public sector organisations to appoint supply partners for a wide range of citizen experience and back-office support activities.
Start date: 10/08/2021 End date: 09/08/2025
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Capita is a supplier on both lots within this framework agreement:
Lot 1 Contact Centres
All people, technology and consultancy services connected to citizen experience and contact centre activities:
- Inbound and outbound contact management including people and technology (technology only as part of wider service delivery)
- Provision of information, products and services
- Sending information to other citizens and industry
- Access to web chat, social media, online services and voice/agent contact
- Transformation Consultancy (but only as part of wider service delivery)
Lot 2 Business Services
All Back-Office Support Functions, including but not restricted to:
- Human Resources (HR)
- Financial Accounting
- Payroll
- Source-to-pay
How to buy
There are three ways to buy from this agreement. These are:
- further competition
- further competition with dialogue
- direct award
For further competitions you can also use an expression of interest (EOI).
Visit RM6181 on the Crown Commercial Service website for full details.
How Capita can help
We're providing contact centre solutions for some of the biggest companies in the UK. Whether you’d like us to run your entire contact centre or simply assist your existing teams at peak times, we can help.

Contact management
We're providing contact centre solutions for some of the biggest companies in the UK. Whether you’d like us to run your entire contact centre or simply assist your existing teams at peak times, we can help.

Flexing the contact centre model
Learn more about how our solutions provide back-up with the operational flexibility that guarantees a sure-footed response every time.
This framework agreement provided by Crown Commercial Service is open to all UK public sector organisations to procure traditional mail services and more complex solutions for digital transformation of mail and communications.
Start date: 01/12/2023 End date: 02/10/2027
More information
This framework consists of 8 Lots. Capita services and solutions are provided through the following:
Lot 5 – Business Process Outsourcing, Mailroom, Document and Data Managed Services
Lot 6 - Hybrid Mail, Digital and Transformational
How to buy
Purchasing through this framework is by further competition or direct award.
Visit RM6280 on the Crown Commercial Services website for full details.
How Capita can help
Our innovative solutions are helping businesses create connected experiences that deliver the right message across organisations, customers and suppliers.

Workplace administration
Powering our clients' communications with our intelligent information

Hybrid mail
Enabling you to print and distribute customer communications in this new world of hybrid and home working
This is a Crown Commercial Service (CCS) framework for all public sector customers to access suppliers for designing and administering schemes that disburse funds, including grants, loans and entitlement benefits.
Start date: 28/11/2022 End date: 27/11/2030
More information
There are six service types that can be bought through this agreement:
- Design and development
- Market engagement and promotion
- Application and award services
- Evaluation services
- Counter fraud services
- Full programme management
How to buy
Purchasing through this agreement is by further competition using the dynamic purchasing system (DPS) marketplace.
Visit RM6322 on the Crown Commercial Service website for full details
How Capita can help
We have been providing end-to-end fund disbursement expertise for over 15 years. We ensure funds reach the right people and achieve desired outcomes.

Managing fraud in grant making
In this paper we explore the types of fraud that government grants can attract and how this can be tackled.

Delivering successful grant schemes
Our interactive infographic outlines the seven crucial steps for delivering successful grant and fund management schemes.

Better outcomes for grant makers
From scheme design to application to reporting, we explain how to ensure grant schemes deliver on outcomes.
Property and place
This is a Crown Commercial Service framework which enables public sector organisations to source end to end property management services, from consultancy to disposal.
Start date: 21/07/2021 End date: 20/07/2024
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This a multi-lot agreement. Capita has been awarded a place on 6 of the 7 lots as follows:
Lot 1: Total Estate Management
Lot 2: Estate (Property) Management
Lot 3: Agency and Lease Management
Lot 4: Surveying and Strategic Advice
Lot 5: Valuation and Compulsory Purchase Orders (CPO’s)
Lot 6: Business Rating Services
How to buy
Buyers can use a direct award or further competition to procure through this agreement.
Visit RM6168 on the Crown Commercial website for full details.
How Capita can help
Our property asset services provide UK-wide property asset solutions, working on projects of all sizes and complexities across property maintenance and compliance, transactional estates and facilities management.

Property asset services
Providing UK-wide property asset solutions, working on projects of all sizes and complexities across property maintenance and compliance, transactional estates and facilities management.

Disrupting estates and facilities management
How will the public sector continue the running and development of their buildings
Education & learning services
This is a Crown Commercial Service Dynamic Purchasing System framework providing access to standard and niche training options for UK public sector bodies, the wider public sector and third sector.
Start date: 29/10/2021 End date: 28/10/2025
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Services are organised into categories which buyers can use to filter suppliers who can fulfil their requirements as follows:
- Business skills
- Coaching and mentoring
- Health and safety
- Digital, data and technology
- Financial services
- Languages
- Leadership and management
- Legal and compliance
- Learning Management System (LMS) software
- LMS design, delivery and content
- NHS clinical
- NHS non-clinical
- NHS Continuous Professional Development (CPD)
- Project and programme management
- Specialist / niche training
- Wellbeing
Training is provided through the following four routes:
- Standard off the shelf training
- Bespoke training
- Learning technologies
- Education services
How to buy
You can buy training services through rapid award, for standard off the shelf training only and by standard direct award for any other training needs.
Visit RM6219 on the Crown Commercial Service website for full details.
How Capita can help
We partner with our customers to empower their learning and development to create transformative organisational change.

Learning and development
Choosing the right learning partner is key to ensuring that learning is always aligned with wider business outcomes, whilst building the right learning culture and behaviours associated with a learning organisation.

This is a Yorkshire Purchasing Organisation (YPO) Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) framework covering all types of training. It is open to any public sector organisation.
Start date: 10/04/2020 End date: 08/04/2024
More information
The framework is split into 27 lots. Capita can provide services in the following 7 lots:
Lot1: Firefighting foundation and development
Lot 2: Fire service operations
Lot 3: Prevention and protection
Lot 4: Hazardous materials
Lot 5: Incident command
Lot 6: Resilience
Lot 10: Instructor programmes
How to buy
Purchasing through this DPS is by further competition only.
Visit Training DPS 999 on the YPO website for full details.
How Capita can help
We scope, design and deliver learning, training and leadership programmes through multiple channels and formats, from niche facilitation through to large scale programmes.

Defence firefighter training
Capita-enabled Defence firefighter training receives ‘Outstanding’ Ofsted report

First to be deployed
Why outcome-focused learning is so important for defence organisations
This is an ESPO framework agreement which enables all public sector organisations to purchase a comprehensive range of training services.
Start date: 12/09/2021 End date: 11/09/2025
More information
The service specification is broad enabling buyers to specify their requirements at call of stage, Capita is on Lot 1 – Managed Service Provider. This can include:
- A managed service wrap
- Access to a catalogue of training provision
- Gateway to advisory and bespoke learning design services
How to buy
Buying through this framework can be done by direct award or further competition.
Visit Managed Training Services (383) on the ESPO website for full details.
How Capita can help
Choosing the right learning partner is key to ensuring that learning is always aligned with wider business outcomes, whilst building the right learning culture and behaviours associated with a learning organisation.

First to be deployed
Why outcome-focused learning is so important for defence organisations

Empowering managers with HR training
When the London Borough of Hackney Council (LBHC) decided to change its approach to HR, we trained its managers and team leaders to play a bigger role in managing their teams
This is a YPO framework that allows customers to procure all apprenticeship standards, endpoint assessment and associated training.
Start date: 01/08/2023 End date: 31/07/2026
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The framework gives customers access to both regional and national providers and is structured into three tiers: Regions, Routes and Standards.
Capita has been awarded the following standards:
- Business Administrator (ST0070)
- Commercial Procurement & Supply (ST0313)
Coaching professional (ST0809)
- Data analyst (ST0118)
- Improvement practitioner (ST0192)
- Operational Firefighter (ST0486)
- Operations or Departmental Manager (ST0385)
- Team Leader or Supervisor (ST0384)
Capita can deliver the above standards in the following regions:
- South East
- London
- North West
- East of England
- West Midlands
- South West
- Yorkshire & Humber
- East Midlands
- North East
How to buy
Buying from this framework is either by direct award or further competition.
Visit Apprenticeships and Associated Training – 1086 on the YPO website for full details.
How Capita can help
We’re helping UK organisations build a stronger workforce. We help businesses and individuals to boost their talent and skills by combining real jobs with on and off the job training.

Capita apprenticeships
We’re helping UK organisations build a stronger workforce. We help businesses and individuals to boost their talent and skills by combining real jobs with on and off the job training

Switching to digital delivery
Capita’s Knowledgepool is helping 8,000 apprentices continue their learning

Apprenticeship programmes
How recruitment and outreach must improve for apprenticeships to enable social mobility
This framework agreement enables DWP and other contracting bodies to deliver assistance to individuals through the governments Restart Scheme. The Restart Scheme provides people directly impacted by COVID-19 with enhanced support to find jobs in their local area.
Start date: 05/10/2020 End date: 05/10/2025
More information
The framework covers England, Scotland and Wales, split into seven regional lots. Capita can provide services in the following areas:
Lot 1: Central England Tier 2
Lot 2: North East Tier 1
Lot 3: North West Tier 1
Lot 4: Southern England Tier 1
Lot 5: London and the Home Counties Tier 2
Lot 6: Wales Tier 1
Lot 7: Scotland Tier 1
How to buy
Visit the Employment Related Services Association (ERSA) website for more information
How Capita can help
Each year, our programmes positively impact the lives of hundreds of thousands of people by enabling access to vital Government support.

Welfare & employability
Each year, our programmes positively impact the lives of hundreds of thousands of people by enabling access to vital Government support.

Department for Work and Pensions (DWP)
Helping vulnerable citizens to claim vital benefits by deploying our largest-ever virtual workforce for the DWP

Protecting staff and the move to home working
Working better together to help local authorities continue delivering support
Scotland Excel’s flexible Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for employability services comprise of a range of local and national provision that support individuals to move closer to, enter, sustain, and progress in employment.
This agreement can be utilised by 32 Scottish Local Authorities to procure services in their geographic area.
Start date: 01/06/2022 End date: 31/05/2024
More information
Capita is a supplier for the four service areas within this framework. These are:
- Engagement, Assessment, Action Planning, Case Management and Progression (including end-to-end key worker support)
- Barrier Removal
- Vocational and Accredited Activity
- Employer Engagement, Advice and Support
How to buy
Purchasing through this DPS is by further competition only.
Visit Employability Services Flexible DPS on the Scotland Excel website for full details.
How Capita can help
Capita has a strong understanding of the employment and skills challenge and extensive experience delivering and designing digital services that support diverse groups of vulnerable people.

Welfare & employability initiatives
Our tailored and regionalised programmes are helping jobseekers transition from unemployment into growing sectors of the UK economy.

Building confidence in jobseekers
Transparency, accessibility, and control are key to supporting job seekers back into the world of work through government schemes.

Why regionalised networks are key
Embedding employability professionals within their own communities is paramount to tackling spikes in unemployment.