Streamlined, collaborative PEP management to drive better outcomes

The management of Personal Education Plans (PEPs) – the active and evolving document that every looked-after child and young person has until they are 18 years old – can be complex, with the traditional process of compiling and managing them often time-consuming and inefficient, an issue compounded by the unprecedented challenges created during the pandemic.

Reflecting the child or young person’s own voice is key to ensuring that their wishes about their education, aspirations and future plans are recognised and acted upon. The PEP must also be written jointly with the key people in their life, including their social worker, designated teacher, carers and the virtual school.

We’ve developed an online software solution ‘PEP Online’ to help local authorities manage the statutory PEP requirement for children and young people aged 2 to 18 years. The secure, digital solution makes it possible for the team around the child, together with the child or young person themselves, to co-produce the plan from anywhere they have an internet connection via a smartphone, tablet, laptop or PC.

Improved collaboration means that professionals have appropriate, easier access to the information they need and they’re better placed to provide the most appropriate support, including promoting educational progress by putting together actionable targets which are regularly reviewed by all to support the child’s aspirations and life chances.

Key benefits

Greater efficiency with a more streamlined process

Improved outcomes for children and young people

  • pulls through information from your education data and from the previous PEP to pre-populate key information
  • enables a shared understanding of the needs of the child or young person to enable the right support to be given at the right time
  • speeds up and reduces administration, vastly reducing data entry requirements by not having to key in information multiple times
  • provides information which encourages professionals to be more proactive with driving better outcomes e.g. monitoring trends in school attendance, attainment and exclusions
  • saves professionals time by streamlining information gathering
  • provides professionals with crucial initial insight, supporting participation from the child or young person because they’re not alienated by having to continually repeat themselves
  • supports and facilitates a more constructive meeting conversation and provides a mechanism to schedule the next meeting
  • speeds up the creation and delivery of actionable targets
  • saves time - instead of needing to pass documents from one person to the next, everyone has instant access to what they need
  • makes it easier for targets to be set, monitored and reviewed, helping the child or young person reach their life potential and fulfil their aspirations


Find out more about our PEP solution

PEP at a glance

Take a look at our easily digestible infographic to understand how our software helps

young girl using tab

PEP brochure

A more detailed look at our innovative solution

school boy using tablet



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