Quickly understand if your vulnerable children are attending school

It can be difficult for local authorities to collect school attendance data for vulnerable children who are looked after (LAC) or who have an Education Health Care plan (EHCP). This is because the schools they attend are often either outside of the local authority borders, or within the borders but without an automatic method to report attendance data to the local authority.

Our secure online tool helps local authorities overcome these barriers by providing a platform for staff to access timely school attendance data for children who they have a legal responsibility to track, and who are particularly vulnerable.

The user-friendly website enables schools to quickly and securely input attendance, with the data collected automatically and integrated with local authorities’ Capita education software. This allows local authority staff to be immediately notified if a child is not in attendance so they can promptly check on the child’s welfare.

By reducing the staff time and cost involved in collating attendance information, our cloud solution is freeing local authority teams to focus on other areas of need. And by enabling proactive attendance monitoring through simple and effective data capture and sharing, local authorities and schools are supported to deliver better outcomes by making it easier to safeguard and protect vulnerable children and young people.

Watch the video to see how our tool makes it easier to safeguard vulnerable children and young people

Key features

Simple and effective data sharing between schools and local authorities

The local authority dashboard prioritises the school with those missing the most data first, down to those who have reported the most data last, so local authority teams know which schools to focus on to chase up any missing data.

Proactive, insightful attendance monitoring for schools

The school dashboard shows at a glance, by week, how many children are missing attendance marks and how many have been marked as not attending but without a reason for non-attendance. This enables schools to drill down to the relevant children to follow up and update their data.

Delivers better outcomes for vulnerable children and young people

With the data coming into the council more reliably and more efficiently, they can identify much more quickly where vulnerable children and young people, including those who are looked-after and with special educational needs, are not attending school. With this timely information, they can react more proactively and provide appropriate support.

Case study

Protecting vulnerable children with quality attendance data

With nearly 1,000 children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) attending 242 schools in 78 local authorities, it was difficult for Staffordshire County Council to see where data was missing.

Our software gathers information into a dashboard showing real-time weekly attendance data at each school, enabling teams to track absent vulnerable children and quickly identify those who may need extra help or support.

Young teacher with pupil

Hear from our customers


It’s making such a big difference! We worked with 200+ schools across our county - it used to take us 10 minutes to process each file, now it’s instant and it’s amazing. We’ve also been able to identify issues with vulnerable children [by identifying] full-time exclusions that we didn’t know about or wouldn’t have known about before.


Jenny Holdcroft

Staffordshire County Council



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