Pay360 by Capita today names the University of Hertfordshire as the first UK customer of its education-focused online store, eShop.

eShop will enable the University of Hertfordshire to modernise its online student experience, making it simple to pay for a wide range of goods and services including academic fees, event bookings, merchandise and more.

eShop easily integrates with the University of Hertfordshire’s existing systems and, combined with Pay360’s Income Management solution, provides a complete financial picture of all income collection channels for universities and colleges.

Pay360’s solution comes to the market after extensive background research on the needs of universities and combines all the capabilities within Pay360 to ensure that universities current and future payment needs can be met in a dynamic payment landscape.

Charlie Smart, Team leader business applications, the University of Hertfordshire, said: "We chose Pay360 after a thorough tender process. Students at the University of Hertfordshire are given the best possible learning and social experiences through state of the art facilities and equipment and Capita’s proven software expertise assured us its solution would deliver an enhanced student experience, providing a central place to view all online expenditure."

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