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Sara Britcliffe, MP for Hyndburn, made history on 28 April 2020. She became the first MP to make a maiden speech via video to the House of Commons


The covid-19 crisis has provided an alarming insight into our frailties and points of weakness. As individuals, as businesses, as a society. From disrupted supply chains, to an overwhelmed social care system, to online cyber threats, and growing numbers in the population reliant on benefits – we are more vulnerable than we knew.


James Brooks, Innovation Principal at Capita, examines how augmented reality is set to reinvent the way we shop.


As the motor finance sector seeks to bounce back, we take a look at how the pandemic has changed expectations of digital consumers and what the new normal could look like.


Capita's Wasif Afghan discusses six steps to unleash the true potential of cloud.


Critical infrastructure in the UK has been severely tested by the current pandemic. As life changed in an instant for many our service industries had to respond.


Andy Start, Executive Officer of Government Services, and Chantal Free, Executive Officer of People Solutions, discuss Covid-19’s impact on how public sector employees work. They look at what we’ve learned and how we can build on innovations for the future.


Since IoT is the acquisition, transfer, analysis and monetization of data via connected devices, it is clearly ripe for the UK rail sector.


Think of an area of your life that isn’t touched in some respect by a digital component. Or think of any experience and remove all digital influences. What would your life look like?


Ollie Flegg looks at three key industry trends to see how they might influence customers’ attitudes towards motor finance - and where the sector could turn that to its advantage.


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