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Our comprehensive range of solutions is providing our clients with the resources, infrastructure, skills and technologies that give them time back and allow them to focus on what they do best.


From general ledger, accounts payable & invoice approval, to e-procurement, budgeting & forecasting, our software helps you digitise processes & realise savings.


To support improved customer experience, changes in society and increased remote working, organisations are layering more systems into their IT networks than ever before.


Capita supports AEGIS London with the provision of IT services in response to Covid-19, allowing the business to continue trading successfully.

Case study

Ricky Alfred, Capita Customer Management’s Head of Responsible Business, reflects on the need to support vulnerable customers - and how organisations, customer service agents and Capita can all make a difference.


While many of us have effectively transitioned to at-home working, for some industries, like construction and infrastructure, that’s completely impossible.


Since IoT is the acquisition, transfer, analysis and monetization of data via connected devices, it is clearly ripe for the UK rail sector.


These turbulent times might not look like the best time to invest in your workforce: an uncertain economic future paired with unpredictable future skills needs make it a risk that may not seem worth taking.


Innovation isn’t working. At least, the old style of innovation isn’t. It can’t be – look at the number of established, iconic brands that have fallen foul of disruption over the past few years.


Research done over the past few years has shown that having people of different genders, ethnicities, sexual orientations, ages and physical and mental abilities within your organisation is good for all sorts of things from innovation and creativity to engagement and retention.


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