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With our flexible, expert customer service teams, we're supporting clients through their busiest times of the year, with extra resourcing, thorough planning, insight and smart technology.


Our vast range of customer services for local authorities includes general enquiries, council switchboards, advice lines, complaints handling & one-stop-shops.


Software and specialist support services to help LEAs, schools and academies to run more efficiently and deliver better outcomes for children and young people.


From HR training to administrative services and expert HR advice, we’re supporting schools and academies to raise standards and deliver better outcomes.


We rapidly mobilise contact centre teams to help organisations support customers during difficult times – helping to protect revenue and business continuity.


Our comprehensive range of solutions is providing our clients with the resources, infrastructure, skills and technologies that give them time back and allow them to focus on what they do best.


From general ledger, accounts payable & invoice approval, to e-procurement, budgeting & forecasting, our software helps you digitise processes & realise savings.


As digitisation and complex business problems continue to change the landscape of organisations, shared services providers need to find new ways to stay relevant and deliver what their clients and service users need, raising the bar with the creation of brilliant service experiences


During 2021, the Capita Institute is asking senior decision-makers critical questions relating to the state of their organisations as we emerge from the pandemic.


The ever-enduring search for new ways to increase productivity is challenging, but it’s crucial for freeing up human and financial resources so that organisations can focus on and succeed at what they do, as well as to grow.


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