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Artificial intelligence
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With our flexible, expert customer service teams, we're supporting clients through their busiest times of the year, with extra resourcing, thorough planning, insight and smart technology.


Our vast range of customer services for local authorities includes general enquiries, council switchboards, advice lines, complaints handling & one-stop-shops.


We're helping public sector organisations to shift customer interactions to an online channel – transforming customer responsiveness and experience.


Our team of digital customer management experts is helping local authorities shift customer interaction to more cost-effective, self-serve channels.


We help local authorities deliver end-to-end digital services that transform citizen experience and save resources both in customer service and the back office.


We're helping the UK Government to transform public sector services, deliver better experiences for citizens and make a positive impact on society.


We're providing services and software solutions that improve outcomes and save money, so councils can focus on what matters in their communities.


Conversational AI is your first line of enquiry during disruptive events, delivering critical information to customers and easing the load from contact centres


Software and specialist support services to help LEAs, schools and academies to run more efficiently and deliver better outcomes for children and young people.


From HR training to administrative services and expert HR advice, we’re supporting schools and academies to raise standards and deliver better outcomes.


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