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Learning & development
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Costi Karayannis, Managing Director of Learning Services at Capita, explains how our ‘Re-imagining HR’ survey shows we’re at a pivotal moment and must fundamentally change the role of learning and development to re-skill staff in the post-pandemic world.


I joined the education team at Capita earlier this year, after working for over 30 years in secondary education, including spending eight years as a headteacher of a comprehensive school.


Retail technology is perhaps one of the fastest growing industries coming out of the pandemic, with digitisation being one of the key aspects of this transformation.


In April 2021 The Department for Education (DfE) issued non-statutory guidance on creating and growing academy trusts*.


There is a consensus that the world needs more learning – whether it’s part of society building back better, responding to the future of work in the short term, or equipping the next generation to step into the jobs that we do not yet know about.


In recent months, the Covid-19 pandemic has changed our world in countless ways. And with a new national lockdown in place, there is surely more change to come. Strong leadership in education is essential.


Managing Director of Security Watchdog, Susie Thomson and Capita’s Director of Digital Onboarding, Lesley Gregory, recently hosted an online discussion about the importance of creating great onboarding experiences, and how to achieve this digitally in a post-pandemic world.


Choosing the right master trust is vital to optimise member outcomes. But selecting the best provider with whom to partner also has the potential to create value for employers and unlock compelling employer brand benefits.


Our collaboration tools help you improve productivity and customer experience, reduce costs and achieve a ‘work anywhere’ culture.


There is a multitude of research that shows that people want to work for companies that can demonstrate a strong learning and development ethos.


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