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Critical national infrastructure
Citizen experience
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Our comprehensive range of solutions is providing our clients with the resources, infrastructure, skills and technologies that give them time back and allow them to focus on what they do best.


From general ledger, accounts payable & invoice approval, to e-procurement, budgeting & forecasting, our software helps you digitise processes & realise savings.


Our clients trust us to help them use this data and insight to transform their businesses. Our consulting team are deep industry and process experts who don’t just advise - they build, implement and operate real and effective digital solutions.


To support improved customer experience, changes in society and increased remote working, organisations are layering more systems into their IT networks than ever before.


Capita supports AEGIS London with the provision of IT services in response to Covid-19, allowing the business to continue trading successfully.

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While many of us have effectively transitioned to at-home working, for some industries, like construction and infrastructure, that’s completely impossible.


Critical infrastructure in the UK has been severely tested by the current pandemic. As life changed in an instant for many our service industries had to respond.


These turbulent times might not look like the best time to invest in your workforce: an uncertain economic future paired with unpredictable future skills needs make it a risk that may not seem worth taking.


Innovation isn’t working. At least, the old style of innovation isn’t. It can’t be – look at the number of established, iconic brands that have fallen foul of disruption over the past few years.


While residents and visitors often delight in what can be a slower pace of life, Norfolk's largest public sector organisation is looking to catapult the county into the technology fast lane.

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