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The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) has announced that the Blackburn Bus Station has been shortlisted for the prestigious RIBA North West award.


Critical infrastructure in the UK has been severely tested by the current pandemic. As life changed in an instant for many our service industries had to respond.


We understand the balance of achieving sustainability whilst keeping costs down. Take a look at our resources to help you with shifting citizens’ attitudes to travel.


As declared by Dr Dominique Hes in 2017, there is quite simply “no sustainability without community engagement”. The topic of how organisations bring their staff and customers ’with them’ on cultural and transformative journeys is never far away.


We’ve used our construction and project management expertise to help North Tyneside Council to reinforce a seawall along its popular promenade, protecting the area and its rare wildlife from coastal erosion.

Case study

We’ve supported a major housing development in North Tyneside by helping the local council to build a road to it – on time, on budget and with minimal disruption.

Case study

The transport industry faces a perpetual balancing act between enhancing passenger experience safely and sustainably, whilst being as efficient as possible to keep costs down for everyone.


As the transport industry focuses on enabling people in the UK to travel more safely and sustainably it must also keep costs down, for passengers and in terms of operational efficiency.


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