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About capita
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Our customer service innovation team is solving industry-specific problems through technology, analytics and process design.

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Since launch in April, ULEZ has reduced NO2 emissions in London by 20%, protecting Londoners from harmful levels of pollution.

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We're helping our client to identify – and resolve – 'hidden' issues that are affecting their customers.

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Capita supports AEGIS London with the provision of IT services in response to Covid-19, allowing the business to continue trading successfully.

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Mobilising a resilient and responsive workforce in less than 2 weeks to ensure minimal disruption to customer services.

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We support over 8,000 apprentices to achieve their respective apprenticeship programmes every year across a broad range of subjects.

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If any of us were in any doubt about the importance of giving back to the people and communities around us, the Covid-19 pandemic has certainly brought it home.

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We’re proud to have partnered with Transport for London (TfL) for nearly a decade across multiple key operations, including the congestion charging scheme, the Ultra-Low Emission Zone and the Direct Vision Standard, jointly supporting better outcomes for citizens who visit, work and live in the capital.

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Managing Director of Security Watchdog, Susie Thomson and Capita’s Director of Digital Onboarding, Lesley Gregory, recently hosted an online discussion about the importance of creating great onboarding experiences, and how to achieve this digitally in a post-pandemic world.


Covid-19 has forced organisations to reflect on and respond to how they engage, support and communicate with their customers.


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