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The UK water utilities industry is under greater stress than at any other time in its history. Chris Cartwright, Head of Critical Infrastructure at Capita Consulting, discusses the role of data in water conservation.


We’re living through possibly the biggest change in working patterns since the industrial revolution.


The North has a proud industrial heritage, and now it has a huge opportunity to become a world class leader in the emerging clean energy sector.


To mitigate climate emergency, there is a global race to achieve carbon neutrality.


A popular online brokerage prided itself on building a customer experience that made trading stocks as easy as swiping right or left to purchase a book online.


Peter Wallace, Managing Director of HR Solutions at Capita, shares his thoughts on employee engagement during the pandemic and beyond.


More consumers can now choose to charge an electric car at home, generate their own electricity from solar panels, track their energy usage with a smart meter and turn their washing machine on wirelessly when their energy is at its cheapest.


What is it that gets you out of bed in the morning? What is it that @Jack Parsons, CEO of the Youth Group, calls the ‘duvet flip’?
For many people, and especially young people, it’s the dream of running their own business – of taking a nugget of an idea, something they are passionate about, and making it real.


Localised employability programmes will be just as important as technology in the UK’s return to work. However, to succeed ‘for the people’, they absolutely must be ‘by the people’.


According to the World Economic Forum (WEF), 65% of children entering primary school today will end up in jobs that don’t yet exist.


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