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Justice & policing
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Addressing workforce issues is vital to the digitisation of all public services


In our latest report we look a close look at the expectations and opportunities that are likely to be seen in the justice sector in the coming years.


We developed an automation solution to reduce Anglia Revenues Partnership’s yearly manual workload of 4,000 Verify Earnings and Pensions alerts.

Case study

Transparency, accessibility, and control. When supporting job seekers back into the world of work through government schemes – especially in a time as volatile as now – these three imperatives are a good place to start.


We are currently in the midst of what is commonly referred to as the Fourth Industrial Revolution. This has seen a shift from the traditional engineered mechanical technologies of the 19th and early 20th centuries to digital technology and all the innovation this has engendered.


While many companies may have paid lip service to the issue of racism in 2020, the unconscious, and sometimes explicit, bias of racism runs deep.


In a time when figures and statistics have become a disheartening staple of daily life, the numbers relating to unemployment in the UK make for even more difficult and disturbing reading.


When the anti-avoidance tax legislative reform – IR35 - rolls out to the private sector in April, employers of many contractors could be in a very difficult position.


In policing and intelligence, decision-making is fraught with risk. Simply put, making the wrong choice is not an option and getting it right first time is imperative.


One thing we’ve all learned during the last year is how to deal with uncertainty and change.


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