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Cyber security
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Capita plc and Immersive Labs, a cyber security skills platform, are partnering with Northern Ireland’s Department for the Economy on a pilot initiative to develop Northern Ireland’s next generation of cyber security specialists.


Majority of IT leaders are in the dark about cloud spending, new report from Trustmarque reveals.


The UK Government has initiated new telecoms security regulations, reflecting that the threat of cybercrime is as strong now as it has ever been.


Cyber security is a broad term which means many different things to many different people, and can often seem to be incredibly complex, expensive, and full of pitfalls at every turn.


The cyber threat landscape is continually shifting. As a result, staying ahead of cyber crime is a significant challenge for both organisations and individuals.


The Covid- 19 pandemic has us thinking differently about a lot of things. Security is high on that list.


A few years ago, a breach that impacted several million people would have been big news. In 2019 roughly 3.5 billion people saw their personal data stolen in the top two security breaches of that year alone.


Cyber security has an air of mystery to it. Something hidden in the shadows and only able to be understood by technologists and spies.


The Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated the need for cyber security but also changed the very nature of the beast.


If you search the Internet for the first example of hacking, you’ll come across the name of Nevil Maskelyne. He was an Edwardian magician, inventor and businessman.


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