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In my previous article I looked at the many types of fraud that government grant makers need to identify and take steps to prevent.


Grants are an important tool for central and local government to support citizens and businesses, and improve lives, the economy and society.


In this session, we brought together a panel of experts from across UK local authorities and Capita’s revenues and benefits services to discuss the current situation what local authorities are facing concerning revenue collections and what may need to change immediately and in the next few years to ensure collection levels and revenue income stays at constant or improved levels.


From delivering services to collect, maximise and distribute revenue, to providing the latest software and automation for in-house teams, we help transform operations.


We’re the country’s leading provider of housing benefits support services, supporting 100+ UK local authorities and paying £1bn in housing benefits every year


A new report, Supporting local communities and people: are local government grants effective?’, published today by CIPFA in partnership with Capita plc.


As declared by Dr Dominique Hes in 2017, there is quite simply “no sustainability without community engagement”. The topic of how organisations bring their staff and customers ’with them’ on cultural and transformative journeys is never far away.


In any given year, and setting aside the extra Covid-19-based demands of 2020, the UK Government disburses over £100bn in grants and funded schemes.


The distribution of grants is an effective instrument for improving and steering economic, social and health outcomes in the UK.


Seven crucial steps for delivering successful grant management schemes.


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