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Citizen experience
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With our flexible, expert customer service teams, we're supporting clients through their busiest times of the year, with extra resourcing, thorough planning, insight and smart technology.


Our vast range of customer services for local authorities includes general enquiries, council switchboards, advice lines, complaints handling & one-stop-shops.


We rapidly mobilise contact centre teams to help organisations support customers during difficult times – helping to protect revenue and business continuity.


Our comprehensive range of solutions is providing our clients with the resources, infrastructure, skills and technologies that give them time back and allow them to focus on what they do best.


From general ledger, accounts payable & invoice approval, to e-procurement, budgeting & forecasting, our software helps you digitise processes & realise savings.


We remove the hassle from running pension schemes so you can focus on your core business in a complex and ever-changing legislative and regulatory landscape.


Our clients trust us to help them use this data and insight to transform their businesses. Our consulting team are deep industry and process experts who don’t just advise - they build, implement and operate real and effective digital solutions.


An organisation’s sense of purpose is critical, not only to its strategy but also to its culture.


As the pace of change speeds up, the top predictor of success is your ability to innovate as fast as the changes in customer behavior and technology, and faster than your competitors.


Colin Parnell, Senior Actuarial Consultant at Capita, sets out a roadmap to success for trustees looking for an insurer to buy out their pension scheme.


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