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Our data driven insights are helping local authorities understand and predict behaviour to drive improvements to citizen experience and service delivery.


We're helping social housing providers to plan, resource and maintain all assets, from entire estates to boilers, supporting them to keep residents safe.


Our cloud solution simplifies the management of properties, tenancies, repairs and assets, keeping residents safe and enhancing employee and customer experience.


Our automation solutions range from task mining and process re-engineering to unattended robotic process automation, and include advanced AI-enabled automation.


This article looks at the opportunities for automation to transform public sector organisations into agile, efficient powerhouses.


In advance of new SPS import policies, we discuss how AI and automation will be vital for compliance for traders and authorities.


The journey for police forces to achieving GDPR compliance and avoiding Information Commissioner's Office investigation, fines, and reputational damage.


The opportunity for police forces to move to an intelligent and compliant information management system where all data can be stored and accessed in one place.


Automation can be the key enabler within public sector digital transformation to simplify and streamline service delivery and create better outcomes.


Chorley Council’s Revenues and Benefits team managed the 100% increase in Universal Credit (UC) by optimising the automation processes introduced with Capita.

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