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Consumer electronics
Local government
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Most planners would agree with the need to standardise and simplify - as far as possible - the process for identifying housing need as the starting point for developing policies for residential development in local plans.


Our business intelligence and reporting software makes it easy to produce reports with a clearer view of performance, sharper insights and data in one place.


We provide regulatory service solutions, including for environmental health, local land charging, trading standards and licensing.


Make the most of your resources with our cloud-based housing repair, maintenance and workforce management software to improve efficiency and work allocation.


Our managed planning and building services help local authorities meet regulatory obligations, keeping places and communities compliant, safe and in growth.


We can manage all aspects of building control – to be switched on and off to meet demand - freeing your teams to deliver other core services to residents.


Our on-demand planning services for local authorities include planning policy, development management and specialist support services.


Our facilities management and maintenance services deliver effective and efficient spaces within your buildings and/or corporate estate.


We're helping social housing providers to plan, resource and maintain all assets, from entire estates to boilers, supporting them to keep residents safe.


Our cloud solution simplifies the management of properties, tenancies, repairs and assets, keeping residents safe and enhancing employee and customer experience.


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